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02. 05. 2024, 13:28


Visits from 25.8.2017:

  Secret Combination


Total views: 734

IDXGKARPrice TimeBytesDownloadDEMOAuthorDate
28565. XG4 ($ €)03:12963100DEMOMidistars23.07.2008
28566. XG4 ($ €)03:12963451DEMOMidistars23.07.2008
28567. XGKaraoke4 ($ €)03:12830340DEMOMidistars23.07.2008
28568. XGKaraoke4 ($ €)03:12830570DEMOMidistars23.07.2008

  Attachment to the song

Secret Combination

Can you see it?
Can you see it?
You have to discover me
What goes wrong when I am crying
Or what I want when I 'm smiling
Ou, o o u u

Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?
That I 'm not a little girl
You 're misunderstanding my way
And all the rules that I like to play
mm mm.

My secret combination
It 's a mystery for you
Use your imagination
I 'm not easy but I 'm true
My secret combination
Boy you have to try it hard
To win a destination
In the center of my heart

My secret combination
It 's a mystery for you
Use your imagination
I 'm not easy but I 'm true
My secret combination
Boy you have to try it hard
To win a destination
In the center of my heart

An open book
An open book
Well I 'm sorry, I am not
Sometimes I 'm acting like a lady
Sometimes woman, sometimes baby

My secret combination
It 's a mystery for you
Use your imagination
I 'm not easy but I 'm true
My secret combination
Boy you have to try it hard
To win a destination
In the center of my heart

My secret combination
It 's a mystery for you
Use your imagination
I 'm not easy but I 'm true
My secret combination
Boy you have to try it hard
To win a destination
In the center of my heart

My secret combination
It 's a mystery for you
Use your imagination
I 'm not easy but I 'm true
My secret combination
Boy you have to try it hard
To win a destination
In the center of my heart

To win a destination
In the center of my heart

Lyrics send: Midistars

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