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09. 10. 2024, 03:37


Visits from 25.8.2017:

  Long Tall Shorty

The Kinks
The Kinks

Total views: 690

IDXGKARPrice TimeBytesDownloadDEMOAuthorDate
44116. XGKaraoke4 ($ €)02:53565840DEMOscarabeus28.08.2012
44117. XGKaraoke4 ($ €)02:53567320DEMOscarabeus28.08.2012
44118. XGKaraoke4 ($ €)02:53567230DEMOscarabeus28.08.2012

  Attachment to the song

Long Tall Shorty

They call me the Long Tall Shorty
'Cause I know what love is all about
They call me the Long Tall Shorty
'Cause I know what love is all about
Well I can tell you where the lights go
Oh, when they go well.

Girls, if you get lone-ly
Dial 4 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 9
Well Girls, if you get lonely
Dial 4 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 9
And your troub-les will be over
I'll even give you back you dime

Oh yeah

I like 'em long, I like 'em tall
I like 'em short, and that ain't all
Now when I die, don't bury me deep
Just put some women to my head, to my feet
Tell all the world now, to come and peep
Long Tall Shorty now has gone to sleep

Whoa now

I like 'em long, I like 'em tall, oh yeah
They call me the Long Tall Shorty
'Cause I know what love is all about
They call me the Long Tall Shorty
'Cause I know what love is all about
Well I can tell you where the lights go
Oh, when they go well.

Lyrics send: scarabeus

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